At Harrow Shanghai we are committed to providing an outstanding all-round education, and life beyond the classroom is an essential aspect of what we offer. We believe that Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs) broaden horizons and instill a sense of adventure, leadership, teamwork and decision-making, complementing what goes in the academic curriculum.
There is a wide and diverse range of activities on offer and whether you enjoy art, music, drama, sport, languages, Modul United Nations, helping disadvantaged groups, competing in the Duke of Edinburgh Award or just wanting to try something new, there is sure to be a club available for you.
Students' Sharing
- Miking, Year 5
- Evan, Year 9
- Patricia, Year 5
- Marissa, Year 9
- Liisa, Year 5
Learn More About ECAs
When do pupils start to have ECAs at Harrow Shanghai?
Our ECA curriculum starts at Nursery age, which is much earlier than many other internationals schools in Shanghai. Pupils in Early Years are immersed in a vibrant range of opportunities and challenges to develop their skills after school.Through art workshop, ball games, gymnastics, painting, creative dancing and other specialist Harrow programmes, the children develop their leadership skills, which are broken down in Early Years to focus on ‘i TEAM UP’, ‘i CREATE’, ‘i GO FOR IT’, ‘i CARE’, ‘i HELP’, ‘i RESPECT’. In Art Factory for example, our little Harrovians are encouraged to use their imagination and create their own art pieces made from different materials and colours. We are always amazed by the tremendous artwork designed by these young Harrovians.
我们的课外活动从幼儿园中班(3-4岁)开始,这相比于上海很多国际学校都要早的多。在课外活动中,哈罗的萌娃们天真烂漫地探索着,小小的身子仿佛隐藏着巨大的能量,在各样活动中彰显出令人惊叹的创造力与勇气。幼儿园的课外活动同样多姿多彩,艺术工作坊、球技学习、体操、绘画、创意舞蹈以及许多独具哈罗特色的活动项目,都够孩子们探索个遍了。我们的课外活动,也与培养哈罗领导力紧密相连。在幼儿园阶段,领导力又被分解为‘i TEAM UP’(团队协作能力)、‘i CREATE’(创造力)、‘i GO FOR IT’(勇气)、‘i CARE’(关爱)、‘i HELP’(相互帮助)、‘i RESPECT’(相互尊重)。例如,在艺术工作坊中,我们鼓励孩子自由想象、利用各样素材、颜色,发挥创意,表达脑海里的小小天地。孩子们极富创意的作品总是能深深的打动我们。
When do pupils have ECAs at school?
ECAs take place everyday Monday to Thursday from 15:00 to 16:00. We are very proud that all of pupils are involved in the programme, from Early Years to Upper Sixth. This enables us to broaden the horizons of our pupils and ensure they experience a range of activities outside of the academic curriculum. We firmly believe every child has a great number of talents and passions yet to be discovered and we see it as our responsibility to develop them to the fullest over time.
Do I need to spend extra money to pay for ECAs?
Many parents spend a lot money on extra-curricular activities outside of school to enrich pupils’ life and develop additional skills. At Harrow Shanghai however, the vast majority of our ECAs are free, with the exception of some specialist programmes, where we invite outside professionals to to our campus. Our pupils are exposed to a vast range of opportunities whereby they learn new skills and discover talents they were previously unaware of.
Who are the teachers?
In addition to utilising the strengths and areas of specialism that we have amongst our talented staff, we also recruit the very best experts to support our extensive programme. In doing so, this broadens the range of opportunities and increases attainment through the implementation of elite and specialised provision.
What is the Harrow Super-Curriculum?
At Harrow Shanghai, we attach great importance to balance the rigour of carefully crafted examination preparation with the development of research skills and the ability to debate, communicate confidently, solve problems and think both critically and creatively. As a result, we developed our Super-Curriculum, which encapsulates all those activities that foster academic endeavour beyond the measurable outcomes of examination results. It includes (but is not limited to) wide and habitual reading, extended project work, debate, public speaking, research, competitions, academic lectures and study trips.
We are extremely excited about the fun-filled academic year ahead and we have no doubts that our pupils will thoroughly enjoy the fantastic range of ECAs on offer.
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